Topics regarding Southwestern Energy Company (SWN) stock

Topics regarding Southwestern Energy Company (SWN) stock

I'm buying

Southwestern Energy is predicted to increase by 19.72 percent in the following 12 months. For me, that's a definite buy. I'm always looking to add new O&G stocks to my portfolio and I think this will be the latest addition. I don't think there are... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1nSVT2Fe

Little to lose with SWN

I decided to buy some SWN shares without giving too much thought about the prospects of growth or going too much into the parameters of the company business. The stock hit an all time low and is recovering. With this price there is definitely little... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1eqN49yQ

This is the one to watch

After hitting an all-time low last year, I think SWN is in a really good place right now. The company's leadership has made several great moves on the way to recovery, including getting rid of its very expensive to run wells in Arkansas and then... — read more 

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