Topics regarding McKesson (MCK) stock

Topics regarding McKesson (MCK) stock

Hold or sell?

I bought MCK in 2020 and as it is obvious the stock has doubled its value. I will be selling soon in any case, but I am tempted to hold on a little while longer, as I have a firm belief that the value could rise even more. Just wanted to get some... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jb6cirj

MCK still looks good to me.

picked up MCK last summer and from that period until now the stock has been on a constant rise. I’ll be honest with you, I ‘m really proud of that investment. Even though I am in a really profitable situation right now and many people around me are... — read more 

| 327 views | | 1 reply (February 10, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1f4B6UR8


How come this stock is so underappreciated? Whenever I recommend MCK to someone they just shrug and mention another stock that they prefer over this one. You can have your preferences but ignoring MCK doesn't seem that wise in my view. This stock is... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1bwGYxEg

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